New Ross, Nova Scotia residential and commercial properties for Sale. Premier Listing Service. Real Estate Service. Sort by City: Select the City Abercrombie Albert Bridge Alma Amherst Amiraults Hill Annapolis Royal Antigonish Antigonish County Ardoise Argyle Arichat Armdale Ashby Athol Avonport Aylesford Baddeck Baddeck Bay Barrington Passage Barton Bass River Bayview Beach Meadows Bear Cove Bear River Beaver Bank Bedford Bedford South Bedford West Beechville Belle Isle Belliveaus Cove Belmont Belnan Ben Eoin Berwick Bible Hill Black Point Blanche Blue Rocks Boutiliers Point Boylston Braeshore Brass Hill Brazil Lake Brickton Bridgetown Bridgewater Broad Cove Brookdale Brooklyn Brookside Brule Buckfield Caledonia Cambridge Canning Cape George Cape John Carleton Carleton Corner Central Onslow Central West River Central Woods Harbour Centrelea Centreville Chelsea Chester Chester Basin Chester Grant Church Point Churchover Clarence West Clarks Harbour Clayton Park Clementsport Colby Village Coldbrook Coldstream Cole Harbour Comeauville Conquerall Bank Conquerall Mills Cornwallis Park Country Harbour Mines Cowie Hill Coxheath Crescent Beach Crichton Park Darlings Lake Dartmouth Dayspring Dean Debert Dempseys Corner Descousse Digby Dominion Durham Dutch Settlement Earltown East Bay East Berlin East Chester East Chezzetcook East Dover East Ferry East Lawrencetown East Petpeswick East Port Medway East Preston East Stewiacke East Uniacke Eastern Passage Eastville Economy Ecum Secum Eight Island Lake Ellershouse Elmsdale Enfield Fairmount Fairview Fall River Falmouth Feltzen South First South Fletchers Lake Florence Forchu Forest Glade Forest Hills Fort Lawrence Forties Fox Harbour Fox Point Fox River Freeport French River Garden Lots Gardners Mills Garlands Crossing Gaspereau Gays River Georges River Glace Bay Glen Haven Grafton Grand Etang Grand Lake Grand River Grande Anse Granton Granville Centre Granville Ferry Great Village Greenfield Greenwich Greenwood Greenwood Square Grosses Coques Groves Point Gunning Cove Guysborough Habitant Hacketts Cove Half Island Cove Halifax Halifax Peninsula Hammonds Plains Hampton Hants Border Hantsport Harbourville Harmony Mills Hatchet Lake Head Of Chezzetcook Head Of Jeddore Head Of St Margarets Bay Hemford Hermans Island Herring Cove Hilden Hopewell Howie Centre Hubbards Hubley Hunts Point Indian Brook Indian Harbour Indian Point Ingomar Ingonish Ingramport Inverness Isaacs Harbour Italy Cross Jeddore Karsdale Kempt Shore Kentville Kingsburg Kingsport Kingston Kingswood Labelle Lahave Lake Charlotte Lake Echo Lake George Lake Loon Lakeside Lakevale Lakeview Lakeville Lantz Lardoise Lawrencetown Lewis Lake Linacy Liscomb Little Brook Little Dyke Little River Liverpool Lockeport Lockhartville Louis Head Louisbourg Louisdale Lower Branch Lower Ohio Lower Onslow Lower Sackville Lower Saulnierville Lucasville Lunenberg Lunenburg Lyons Brook Mabou Macphees Corner Maders Cove Mahone Bay Maitland Malagash Maplewood Marble Mountain Marion Bridge Marriotts Cove Marshalltown Martins Point Martins River Mattatall Lake Mavillette Mclellans Brook Meadowvale Meaghers Grant Melvern Square Mersey Point Meteghan Meteghan Station Middle Musquodoboit Middle New Cornwall Middle River Middle Sackville Middleton Milford Mill Creek Mill Village Milton Mineville Monastery Morristown Moshers Corner Mount Denson Mount Uniacke Mulgrave Musquodoboit Harbour Nappan New Canada New Germany New Glasgow New Minas New Prospect New Ross New Victoria New Waterford Newcombville Newellton Nicholsville Nictaux Nine Mile River North Alton North End North Kentville North River North Sydney Northport Northwest Cove Oakfield Oakland Ogilvie Old Barns Osborne Harbour Ostrea Lake Otter Brook Oxford Oyster Pond Parkdale Parkers Cove Parrsboro Pentz Pictou Pictou County Pictou Landing Pleasant River Pleasantville Plymouth Plympton Point Edward Popes Harbour Port Clyde Port Hastings Port Hawkesbury Port Hood Port Howe Port La Tour Port Lhebert Port Lorne Port Maitland Port Medway Port Morien Port Mouton Port Royal Port Saxon Port Wallace Port Williams Porters Lake Portland Hills Portuguese Cove Prospect Pugwash Purcells Cove Rhodes Corner River Hebert River Hebert East Riverport Roberta Robinsons Corner Rockdale Rockingham Rockville Rose Bay Ross Ferry Rossway Round Bay Round Hill Sable River Sackville Salmon River Sambro Sampsonville Sandy Cove Sandy Point Saulnierville Station Seabright Shad Bay Sheet Harbour Sheffield Mills Shelburne Sherbrooke Shubenacadie Shubenacadie East Simms Settlement Sluice Point Smelt Brook Smiths Cove South Brookfield South End South Greenwood South Harbour South Haven South Ohio South Range South Rawdon South Side Southampton Southside Boularderie Southwest Margaree Spencers Island Springfield Springhill Spryfield St Alphonse St Croix St Patricks Channel St Peters Stellarton Stewiacke Stillwater Lake Stonehurst South Summerville Summerville Centre Sunken Lake Surettes Island Sydney Sydney Forks Sydney Mines Sydney River Tantallon Tatamagouche Tennecape Terence Bay Terre Noire The Points West Bay Thorburn Three Brooks Three Mile Plains Tidnish Bridge Timberlea Tiverton Trenton Troy Truro Truro Heights Tusket Union Centre Union Corner Upper Canard Upper Economy Upper Hammonds Plains Upper Musquodoboit Upper Port La Tour Upper Rawdon Upper Sackville Upper Tantallon Valley Vaughan Victoria Beach Victoria Harbour Voglers Cove Wallace Walton Waterville Waverley Wellington Welsford Wentworth West Arichat West Bay West Bedford West Dublin West End West Lahave West Paradise West Porters Lake West Springhill Westfield Westmount Westphal Westport Westville Westville Road Westwood Hills Weymouth Weymouth North White Hill White Point Whites Lake Whitney Pier Whycocomagh Wileville Williamswood Wilmot Windermere Windsor Windsor Junction Wolfville Wolfville Ridge Woodburn Woodlawn Woods Harbour Yarmouth
1030 Fraxville Road
New Ross
Detached, House
Approximate price in December 2017:
Why pay rent Well maintained single family home with 3 generous sized bedrooms and 1 bath. Vinyl windows, attached garage and landscaped lot. Good price point for 1st time homebuyers. Short walk to Sand Lake. House needs to be re-shingled as reflected in. click for more info
Sort by City: Select the City Abercrombie Albert Bridge Alma Amherst Amiraults Hill Annapolis Royal Antigonish Antigonish County Ardoise Argyle Arichat Armdale Ashby Athol Avonport Aylesford Baddeck Baddeck Bay Barrington Passage Barton Bass River Bayview Beach Meadows Bear Cove Bear River Beaver Bank Bedford Bedford South Bedford West Beechville Belle Isle Belliveaus Cove Belmont Belnan Ben Eoin Berwick Bible Hill Black Point Blanche Blue Rocks Boutiliers Point Boylston Braeshore Brass Hill Brazil Lake Brickton Bridgetown Bridgewater Broad Cove Brookdale Brooklyn Brookside Brule Buckfield Caledonia Cambridge Canning Cape George Cape John Carleton Carleton Corner Central Onslow Central West River Central Woods Harbour Centrelea Centreville Chelsea Chester Chester Basin Chester Grant Church Point Churchover Clarence West Clarks Harbour Clayton Park Clementsport Colby Village Coldbrook Coldstream Cole Harbour Comeauville Conquerall Bank Conquerall Mills Cornwallis Park Country Harbour Mines Cowie Hill Coxheath Crescent Beach Crichton Park Darlings Lake Dartmouth Dayspring Dean Debert Dempseys Corner Descousse Digby Dominion Durham Dutch Settlement Earltown East Bay East Berlin East Chester East Chezzetcook East Dover East Ferry East Lawrencetown East Petpeswick East Port Medway East Preston East Stewiacke East Uniacke Eastern Passage Eastville Economy Ecum Secum Eight Island Lake Ellershouse Elmsdale Enfield Fairmount Fairview Fall River Falmouth Feltzen South First South Fletchers Lake Florence Forchu Forest Glade Forest Hills Fort Lawrence Forties Fox Harbour Fox Point Fox River Freeport French River Garden Lots Gardners Mills Garlands Crossing Gaspereau Gays River Georges River Glace Bay Glen Haven Grafton Grand Etang Grand Lake Grand River Grande Anse Granton Granville Centre Granville Ferry Great Village Greenfield Greenwich Greenwood Greenwood Square Grosses Coques Groves Point Gunning Cove Guysborough Habitant Hacketts Cove Half Island Cove Halifax Halifax Peninsula Hammonds Plains Hampton Hants Border Hantsport Harbourville Harmony Mills Hatchet Lake Head Of Chezzetcook Head Of Jeddore Head Of St Margarets Bay Hemford Hermans Island Herring Cove Hilden Hopewell Howie Centre Hubbards Hubley Hunts Point Indian Brook Indian Harbour Indian Point Ingomar Ingonish Ingramport Inverness Isaacs Harbour Italy Cross Jeddore Karsdale Kempt Shore Kentville Kingsburg Kingsport Kingston Kingswood Labelle Lahave Lake Charlotte Lake Echo Lake George Lake Loon Lakeside Lakevale Lakeview Lakeville Lantz Lardoise Lawrencetown Lewis Lake Linacy Liscomb Little Brook Little Dyke Little River Liverpool Lockeport Lockhartville Louis Head Louisbourg Louisdale Lower Branch Lower Ohio Lower Onslow Lower Sackville Lower Saulnierville Lucasville Lunenberg Lunenburg Lyons Brook Mabou Macphees Corner Maders Cove Mahone Bay Maitland Malagash Maplewood Marble Mountain Marion Bridge Marriotts Cove Marshalltown Martins Point Martins River Mattatall Lake Mavillette Mclellans Brook Meadowvale Meaghers Grant Melvern Square Mersey Point Meteghan Meteghan Station Middle Musquodoboit Middle New Cornwall Middle River Middle Sackville Middleton Milford Mill Creek Mill Village Milton Mineville Monastery Morristown Moshers Corner Mount Denson Mount Uniacke Mulgrave Musquodoboit Harbour Nappan New Canada New Germany New Glasgow New Minas New Prospect New Ross New Victoria New Waterford Newcombville Newellton Nicholsville Nictaux Nine Mile River North Alton North End North Kentville North River North Sydney Northport Northwest Cove Oakfield Oakland Ogilvie Old Barns Osborne Harbour Ostrea Lake Otter Brook Oxford Oyster Pond Parkdale Parkers Cove Parrsboro Pentz Pictou Pictou County Pictou Landing Pleasant River Pleasantville Plymouth Plympton Point Edward Popes Harbour Port Clyde Port Hastings Port Hawkesbury Port Hood Port Howe Port La Tour Port Lhebert Port Lorne Port Maitland Port Medway Port Morien Port Mouton Port Royal Port Saxon Port Wallace Port Williams Porters Lake Portland Hills Portuguese Cove Prospect Pugwash Purcells Cove Rhodes Corner River Hebert River Hebert East Riverport Roberta Robinsons Corner Rockdale Rockingham Rockville Rose Bay Ross Ferry Rossway Round Bay Round Hill Sable River Sackville Salmon River Sambro Sampsonville Sandy Cove Sandy Point Saulnierville Station Seabright Shad Bay Sheet Harbour Sheffield Mills Shelburne Sherbrooke Shubenacadie Shubenacadie East Simms Settlement Sluice Point Smelt Brook Smiths Cove South Brookfield South End South Greenwood South Harbour South Haven South Ohio South Range South Rawdon South Side Southampton Southside Boularderie Southwest Margaree Spencers Island Springfield Springhill Spryfield St Alphonse St Croix St Patricks Channel St Peters Stellarton Stewiacke Stillwater Lake Stonehurst South Summerville Summerville Centre Sunken Lake Surettes Island Sydney Sydney Forks Sydney Mines Sydney River Tantallon Tatamagouche Tennecape Terence Bay Terre Noire The Points West Bay Thorburn Three Brooks Three Mile Plains Tidnish Bridge Timberlea Tiverton Trenton Troy Truro Truro Heights Tusket Union Centre Union Corner Upper Canard Upper Economy Upper Hammonds Plains Upper Musquodoboit Upper Port La Tour Upper Rawdon Upper Sackville Upper Tantallon Valley Vaughan Victoria Beach Victoria Harbour Voglers Cove Wallace Walton Waterville Waverley Wellington Welsford Wentworth West Arichat West Bay West Bedford West Dublin West End West Lahave West Paradise West Porters Lake West Springhill Westfield Westmount Westphal Westport Westville Westville Road Westwood Hills Weymouth Weymouth North White Hill White Point Whites Lake Whitney Pier Whycocomagh Wileville Williamswood Wilmot Windermere Windsor Windsor Junction Wolfville Wolfville Ridge Woodburn Woodlawn Woods Harbour Yarmouth