Little Current

Little Current, Ontario residential and commercial properties for Sale.
Premier Listing Service. Real Estate Service.

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20 Vankoughnet Street East
Little Current
Detached-Raised ranch, House
Approximate price in June 2017:
Little Current single family residence, a ehree bedroom vety clean home with a large back yard. This home alsohas an insulated full unfinished basement which could be updated to suit the new homeowners needs. It is located very close to to the hospital and. click for more info
 3 + 0
 50' X 164
9765 Hwy 6
Little Current
Approximate price in June 2017:
Manitoulin Farm! Located along Hwy 6 close to the town of Little Current, this farm features 94 acres fenced with pasture land, mixed and maple hardwood bush, great deer hunting, year round ponds and a river in which fish from lake Huron swim up to spawn.. click for more info
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